Sunday, January 6, 2008

With a New Year Upon Us...

With a new year upon us, and Part One of The Redemption Series posted, those who our readers are probably wondering what's next. Although I have several ideas already in the works, my time has been given in great part to my youngest son who was recently diagnosed with Autism.

As an aspiring writer (aspiring for the past 23 years), the hardest thing about my son's diagnoses has been his struggle with words. It seemed a lot of the dreams and hopes I had for my son were dashed on the rocky shoreline of Lake Reality when my wife and I were told he was autistic. Our life and home are filled each day with therapy sessions, but also with the hope that we are doing all we can to help our son overcome the difficulties he has, and perhaps give him the opportunity to live a fulfilling and engaging life.

And I am sure, if he could talk, he'd want me to continue to write, knowing the joy it brings me. He is an amazing boy, full of life and curiosity. So, for him, my next story will be A Peculiar People, a story about the sci-fi dreams in every little boy.

For you, Hunter, and your older, Star Wars fanatic brothers, Ethan and Caleb.

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